Amateur Radio – New Region = New Call Signs

One of the decisions that has to be made by individual hams upon moving to a different Amateur Radio Region is whether or not to update their call signs to reflect their new region.

Heidi and I both had “Vanity Call Signs” in California, W6HPY and W6TUX respectively.  After thinking it through, we elected to go ahead and request new ones as we updated our address on the FCC Universal License System (ULS).  We researched available call signs that would be close to those we had been using and much to our delight our requests were granted and officially updated on 15 Dec 2020.

Heidi Stites = W4HPY

Dave Stites = WA4TUX

12/20/2020, used my new call sign for the very first time this morning to check in on the “Charlotte Amateur Radio Society” (CARS), “Sunshine Net” on two meters.

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