Ham on RPi4 – Raspberry Pi OS can now boot on USB SSD

One of the most severe limits on Raspian/Raspberry Pi OS was having to boot the Raspberry pi computer from a (relatively slow) Micro SD card.  One of the “work-arounds” has been to use something like “Bootberry 2.0” on the SD Card and through it, install multiple operating systems on a Solid State Drive (SSD) connected via USB.

On June 15th, 2020, Raspberry Pi OS moved a new bootloader that had been in Beta out to Stable, then made a new Stable Release available to apt the next day.  Using the same RPi4 8gb I have been working with recently, this morning I opened a terminal and ran:

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade


When the system came back, opened another terminal session and ran:

sudo nano /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update

Edited the file to use stable as the default version. (Ctrl-X, y, Enter to save & get out of nano)  Then I ran the above command again just to be certain it now was on stable.

In the same terminal session, then ran:

sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/pieeprom-2020-06-15.bin


After rebooting used SD Card Copier utility from “Main manu | Accessories” to copy system from SD Card to my SSD.  You will want to be careful you are selecting the correct device names in the “from” and “to” drop-down windows.

When that process was completed, I did a shutdown and power down, removed the old Micro SD card, powered back up and after a few seconds my little system booted up off of the SSD.  Nice!

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